Adieu and Hello.  

Posted by Derek

To whom it may concern:

I feel compelled to write you with regard to the unfortunate tumultuous events that have unfolded in such drastic manner over the past 365 days. The overwhelming number of poorly received circumstances has forced my hand into this seemingly necessary action. I hope that your bucket of experiences has been better maintained than mine, and that you have had a better ride over roughly the same course of hurdles.

Many of the notable items have been the source of external factors in which I have had no power to alter. With respect to these, it had been my goal to do my best to maneuver with and around the unforeseen revelations, essentially “going with the flow,” as it were. How well I have been able to execute in this department, I myself cannot properly gauge. But what is certain is that I have tumbled though the roughest of storms to emerge here at the latter end of this sojourn, enriched and enlightened enough to tackle whatever obstacles may come my way in the near certain future.

On the contrary, I have also had more than my fair share of failures which were a direct result of my conscious decisions. I do not beg forgiveness for my faults, but only that you would not hold it against me, trusting that I, as every other human being, have grown and learned from my haphazard mistakes enough to warrant another chance. No, not another chance to screw up whatever endeavor the proposition may be, but another chance to not only redeem myself in your eyes, but to even go above and beyond the call of duty. I trust you will be surprised, amazed, and even appreciative of the new efforts given, all as a reward of the continuing trust you put into the ever fallible person.

As it stands, this is the end of another arbitrary period of time as marked by mortal souls. One never really can take too much out of such whimsical dates as a “New Year.” But for our sakes, or moreso, our mentality, we choose to use this “December 31st” as something of value, importance, and meaning. Personally, it matters not so much to me, but I will indulge this silly idea and also choose to acknowledge the end of something and the beginning of another. Of what this so-called “thing” may be, I honestly do not have too much insight on. But numbers change, people change, everything changes. The only thing that ever holds constant is the variable we call change, and so I, along with the rest of humanity, must endure it.

“The old has gone, the new has come.” Here’s to a better 2010, in all aspects of my life, and yours. We bid 2009 adieu, not choosing to remain in the past, but at the same time, respecting the story history desires to chastise us with.

Yours truly.

12.31.09, 6.24-6.49pm
Why an entry in letter format? I don't know.
Why an entry in such a formal tone? No clue.
Why an entry that failed to weave more literal techniques in? Beats me.
It just seemed like a fun idea to do.
And this entry is also done and completed, but "scheduled" to be posted at the last minute of 2009. Haha.

This entry was posted on December 31, 2009 at Thursday, December 31, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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